Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts

Article 1 (Scope of Application)

  • 1.Contracts for accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.
  • 2.In the case when the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contracts)

  • 1.A Guest who intends to apply for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
    • (1)Name of the Guest(s), and phone number
    • (2)Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival
    • (3)Accommodation charges (based, in principle, on the Basic Accommodation Charges listed in Attached Table No.1)
    • (4)Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
  • 2.In the case where the Guest requests, during the stay, an extension of the accommodation beyond the date in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, it shall be regarded as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.

Article 3 (Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc.)

  • 1.A Contract for Accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the contract shall not be deemed to have been concluded if it has been proved that the Hotel has not accepted the application.
  • 2.When an Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of the Basic Accommodation Charges covering the Guest’s entire period of stay (or a minimum of three days when the period of stay is to exceed three days) by the date specified by the Hotel.
  • 3.The deposit shall be first applied to the Total Accommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly to the cancellation charges and compensation in this order on the occurrence of any event to which Article 6 or 18 applies, and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of the payment of the Accommodation Charges as stated in Article 12.
  • 4.When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by the date required as stipulated in Paragraph 2, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid. However, the same shall apply only in the case where the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel when the period of payment of the deposit is specified.

Article 4 (Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit)

  • 1.Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 3, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same paragraph.
  • 2.In the case where the Hotel has not requested the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and/or has not specified the date of the payment of the deposit at the time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, it shall be treated as if the Hotel has accepted a special contract as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Article 5 (Refusal of Accommodation Contracts)

  • 1.The Hotel shall have the right not to accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
    • (1)When the application for accommodation does not conform to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
    • (2)When the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available.
    • (3)When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself in a manner that would contravene the laws or act against the public order or good morals in regard to the accommodation.
    • (4)When the Guest seeking accommodation is following particulars:
      • i.When a party seeking accommodation is an organized crime group as provided in Article 2 paragraph 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) (“an Organized Crime Group”), a member of an Organized Crime Group as provided in Article 2 paragraph 6 of the same Act (“a member of an Organized Crime Group”) or a party or other anti-social element related to such groups.
      • ii.When a party seeking accommodation is a corporation or other entity whose business activities are controlled by an Organized Crime Group or a member of an Organized Crime Group.
      • iii.When a party seeking accommodation is a corporation whose directors include persons corresponding to a member of an Organized Crime Group.
    • (5)When a person requesting Hotel accommodation could cause annoyance to other guests or when a person is behaving in such a manner as to be an annoyance to other guests
    • (6)When the Guest seeking accommodation is clearly determined to be carrying an infectious disease.
    • (7)When the Hotel or Hotel staff receives demands in a violent fashion or is requested to assume an unreasonable burden with regard to the Guest’s accommodations.
    • (8)When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, the malfunction of the facilities and/or other unavoidable causes.
    • (9)Ordinance, Kyoto City Government (Refusal of Accommodation Contracts) Article 19 are applicable;
      • i.Very intoxicated persons and other persons who are deemed likely to trouble another Guest.
      • ii.Persons who in the course of their stay are deemed likely to trouble other Guest by singing loudly, behaving boisterously, holding parties, performing on musical instruments, etc.
      • iii.Person who clearly do not have the capacity to pay the charges.
      • iv.Persons whose conduct is deemed to be suspicious.
    • (10)When the Guest seeking accommodation had violated these Terms and Conditions in the past.

Article 6 (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Guest)

  • 1.The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by so notifying the Hotel.
  • 2.In the case where the Guest has canceled an Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to a cause for which the Guest is liable (except for instances where the Hotel has requested payment of a Deposit during the specified period prescribed in Paragraph 2, Article 3, and the Guest has canceled before making payment), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in Attached Table No.2. However, when a special contract has been concluded as prescribed in Paragraph 1, Article 4, cancellation charges shall be required only when the Guest has been informed of the obligation to pay such charges in the event of cancellation.
  • 3.In the event that a Guest does not appear by 8 p.m. on the accommodation date (or two hours after the expected time of arrival if the Hotel has been notified) and has not notified the Hotel in advance, the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as having been canceled by the Guest.

Article 7 (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract by the Hotel)

  • 1.The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
    • (1)When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct or has conducted him/herself in a manner that would contravene the laws or act against the public order and good morals in regard to the accommodation.
    • (2)When the Guest seeking accommodation is following particulars:
      • i.When a party seeking accommodation is an Organized Crime Group, a member of an Organized Crime Group, or a party or other anti-social element related to such groups.
      • ii.When a party seeking accommodation is a corporation or other entity whose business activities are controlled by an Organized Crime Group or a member of an Organized Crime Group.
      • iii.When a party seeking accommodation is a corporation whose directors include persons corresponding to a member of an Organized Crime Group.
    • (3)When a person requesting Hotel accommodation could cause annoyance to other guests or when a person is behaving in such a manner as to be an annoyance to other guests.
    • (4)When the Guest seeking accommodation is clearly determined to be carrying an infectious disease.
    • (5)When the Hotel or Hotel staff receives demands in a violent fashion or is requested to assume an unreasonable burden with regard to the Guest’s accommodations.
    • (6)When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, the malfunction of the facilities and/or other unavoidable causes.
    • (7)Ordinance, Kyoto City Government (Refusal of Accommodation Contracts) Article 19 are applicable.
    • (8)When the Guest does not obey any of the prohibitions of the House Regulations as stipulated by the Hotel which are deemed necessary for fire prevention, such as rules against smoking in bed, rules against interfering without due cause with the fire-fighting facilities, and any other rules which are intended to protect the hotel against fire.
    • (9)When the Guest seeking accommodation lashes out violently, threatens, blackmails, demands in a violent fashion, or to take an overbearing demands or action.
    • (10)When the Guest seeking accommodation could act violent to other guests, or when a person is behaving in such a manner as to make the other guest feel danger or anxious.
    • (11)When the Guest seeking accommodation had violated Article 5 and/or Article 7 while the Guest is staying the Hotel.
  • 2.In the case when the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for any of the service in the future during the contractual period that were not received.

Article 8 (Registration)

  • 1.The Guest shall register the following particulars at the Front Desk of the Hotel on the day of accommodation:
    • (1)Name, age, sex, address and occupation of the Guest(s)
    • (2)Nationality, passport number, port and date of entry in Japan (if the Guest is not of Japanese nationality)
    • (3)Date and estimated time of departure
    • (4)Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
  • 2.In the case when the Guest intends to pay his Accommodation Charge prescribed in Article 12 by any means other than Japanese currency, such as travelers’ cheques, gift certificates, or credit cards, the Guest shall present such instruments in advance to the Hotel at the time of registration as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
  • 3.The Guest shall provide a copy of passport to clarify the identification (if the Guest is not of Japanese nationality).

Article 9 (Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms)

  • 1.The Guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guest room of the Hotel from 3:00 p.m. till Noon the next day. However, in the case when the Guest is accommodated continuously, the Guest may occupy it all day long, except for the days of arrival and departure.
  • 2.The Hotel may, notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding paragraph, permit the Guest to occupy the room beyond the time prescribed in the same Paragraph. In this case extra charges shall be paid as follows:
    • (1)Until 3:00 p.m., 30% of the room charge
    • (2)Until 6:00 p.m., 50% of the room charge
    • (3)After 6:00 p.m., 100% of the room charge

Article 10 (Observance of House Regulations)

  • 1.The Guest shall observe the House Regulations stablished by the Hotel, which are displayed on the Hotel Guestroom TV.

Article 11 (Business Hours)

  • 1.The business hours of the main facilities, etc. of the Hotel are as follows, and those of other facilities etc. shall be notified in detail by brochures provided, notices displayed in each place, TV in Guestroom, and others.
    • (1)Service hour of Front Desk, Cashier’s desk, etc.
      • i.Open 24 hours
      • ii.Front Desk service is available for 24 hours
      • iii.Money exchange service is available for 24 hours
    • (2)Service hour for dining, drinking, etc.
      • i.FORNI (Italian Cuisine)
        • Breakfast 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Last Order hereinafter referred to as “L.O.”)
        • Lunch 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (L.O.)
        • Dinner 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (L.O.)
      • ii.TOKI (Gastronomy Teppan)
        • 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (L.O.)
      • iii.THE GARDEN BAR (Lounge and Bar)
        • 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. (L.O.)
      • iv.In Room Dining
        • Breakfast 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
        • All Day Menu 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    • (3)Service hour of Spa, Thermal, etc.
      • i.Spa 10:00 a.m. ~ 10:00 p.m.
      • ii.Thermal Spring Area
        • Thermal Spring and Private Onsen 7:00 a.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.
        • Kids Hour 10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.
      • iii.Fitness Gym open 24 hours

        Remarks: Use of and access to the Thermal Spring and Fitnress Gym is restricted to person aged 16 and above.
        Persons aged between 4 and 16 are required to be accompanied by a supervising adult and their use of the Thermal Spring shall be restricted to Kids Hour.

  • 2.The business hours specified in the preceding Paragraph are subject to temporary changes due to unavoidable causes of the Hotel. In such a case, the Guest shall be informed by appropriate means.

Article 12 (Payment of Accommodation Charges)

  • 1.The breakdown and method of calculation of the Accommodation and other Charges to be paid by Guests are specified in Attached Table No.1.
  • 2.The Accommodation and other Charges referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be paid at the Front Desk upon request by the Hotel. Payments shall be made in cash or by means other than cash, such as travelers’ cheques, gift certificates, or credit cards, that are recognized by the Hotel.
  • 3.Once accommodation facilities have been made available by the Hotel, the Accommodation Charges shall be paid even if the Guest voluntarily chooses not to utilize the facilities.

Article 13 (Liabilities of the Hotel)

  • 1.The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the course of its performance of, or by its non-fulfillment of, the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, this provision shall not apply if such damage has been caused by a reason(s) not attributable to the Hotel.
  • 2.The Hotel is covered by Hotel Liability Insurance Policy relative to unexpected fire or other disasters.

Article 14 (Handling when unable to provide Contacted Rooms)

  • 1.The Hotel shall, when unable to provide the contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere insofar as practicable with the consent of the Guest.
  • 2.When arrangement of other accommodations cannot be made notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall pay the Guest Compensation equivalent to the cancellation charges. Through such payment, the Hotel shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation to compensate for the damages incurred by the Guest. However, if the Hotel’s inability to provide accommodation is not the result of a cause(s) attributable to the Hotel, the Hotel will not pay Compensation to the Guest.

Article 15 (Handling of Deposited Articles)

  • 1.The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages to articles the Guest has deposited at Front Desk when said articles have been lost, broken, or suffered other damage, except when the result of force majeure. However, when the type and value of such items has not been reported in advance by the Guest even the Hotel asked to report that, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the loss of money or valuables up to a maximum of 150,000 yen, except in cases where loss or damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
  • 2.The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages to articles, money and valuables the Guest has brought into the Hotel and has not deposited at the Front Desk, when damages including loss or breakage were caused intentionally or by gross negligence on the part of the Hotel. However, when the type and value of such items has not been reported in advance by the Guest, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the loss up to a maximum of 150,000 yen, except in cases where loss or damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.

Article 16 (Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest)

  • 1.When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel before the Guest’s arrival, the Hotel shall be liable to keep it only in the case when such a request has been accepted by the Hotel. The baggage shall be handed over to the Guest at the Front Desk at the time of check-in.
  • 2.When a Guest’s baggage or belongings are found to be left behind after check-out, and the ownership of the article is confirmed the Hotel shall inform the owner of the article left and ask for further instructions. When no instruction is given to the Hotel by the owner or when the ownership is not confirmed, Hotel shall keep the article for 7 days since the article was found, and then bring the article to the nearest police station based on the Laws and Regulation.
  • 3.The Hotel’s liability in regard to the custody of the Guest’s baggage and belongings in the case of the preceding two Paragraphs shall be assumed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Preceding Article in the case of Paragraph 1, and in the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article in the case of Paragraph 2.

Article 17 (Liability in regard to Parking)

  • 1.The Hotel shall not be liable for the custody of the vehicle of the Guest when the Guest utilizes the parking lot within the premises of the Hotel, as it shall be regarded that the Hotel simply offers the space for parking, whether the key of the vehicle has been deposited to the Hotel or not. However, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damage caused through intention or/negligence on the part of the Hotel in regard to the management of the parking lot.

Article 18 (Liability of the Guest)

  • 1.The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damage caused through the intention or negligence of the Guest.

Article 19 (Personal Information)

  • 1.The Hotel will appropriately handle all personal information provided by guests in accordance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Article 20 (Governing Language)

  • 1.These terms are provided in both Japanese and English. In case of a discrepancy between the Japanese and the English, the Japanese version will take precedence.

[Attached Table No. 1]

Calculation Method for Accommodation Charges (Ref. Paragraph 1 of Article 2 and Paragraph 1 of Article 12)

Total amount to be paid by the Guest Accommodation Charges
  • (1)Basic Accommodation Charge [Room Charge]
  • (2)Service Charge [(1)×15%]
Extra Charges
  • (3)Meals and Drinks (or Extra Meals and Drinks)
  • (4)Service Charge [(3)×15%]
  • (5)Consumption Tax
  • (6)Accommodation Tax(Kyoto City)
  • (7)Bathing Tax(Kyoto City)
Total amount to be paid by the Guest
Accommodation Charges
  • (1)Basic Accommodation Charge [Room Charge]
  • (2)Service Charge [(1)×15%]
Extra Charges
  • (3)Meals and Drinks (or Extra Meals and Drinks)
  • (4)Service Charge [(3)×15%]
  • (5)Consumption Tax
  • (6)Accommodation Tax(Kyoto City)
  • (7)Bathing Tax(Kyoto City)


  • 1.Basic Accommodation Charge is based on the tariffs, which are posted on the official hotel website.
  • 2.Extra charge shall not be charged for when persons aged under 12 stays with the parents or the supervising adults. However, it is limited in the guestrooms that have enough spaces.
  • 3.These charges are subject to change in accordance with revisions to the Tax Laws concerned.

[Attached Table No.2]

Cancellation Charge for Hotel (Ref. Paragraph 2 of Article 6)

Date when Cancellation of Contract is noticed Individual Group (At least 6 rooms a day)
No Show 100% Calculated separately, based on the provisions of the prior agreement / contract
Accommodation Day 100%
1 Day Prior to Accommodation Day 100% (After 3:00 p.m.)
3 day Prior to Accommodation Day  
7day Prior to Accommodation Day  


  • 1.The percentages signify the rate of the cancellation charge for the Basic Accommodation Charges.
  • 2.In the case that the number of days for accommodation has been reduced, penalty for one day (first day) shall be charged, regardless of the number of days reduced.
  • 3.Reservation confirmed letter of Accommodation will take precedence for the cancellation charge of individual booking.

House Regulation

House Regulation established by the Hotel to ensure that Hotel Guests have pleasant and safe stay. Every Guest is requested to observe and comply with this House Regulation in accordance with Article 10 of the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation Contract.
A Guest who does not comply with the House Regulation may not be permitted to use the Hotel facilities and/or stay pursuant to Article 7 of said Terms and Conditions. In addition, the Hotel shall not be liable to any Guests for any damages caused by his/her failure to comply with the House Regulations.


  • 1.Please review the emergency exit instructions posted on the inside of the guestroom door upon your arrival.
  • 2.While in your room and especially at night time, please lock the guestroom door, and be sure to use the safety latch.
  • 3.Be sure to identify any callers through the door scope and keep the safety latch on when opening the door. Please do not admit unknown visitors into your room. When suspicious stranger is by the door, please contact the Reception Desk.
  • 4.Smoking is prohibited in all guestrooms. Kindly refrain from smoking in areas other than the designated smoking areas within the premises. Furthermore, kindly refrain from engaging in any activity that may cause a fire. Please be advised that if a Guest is found to have smoked inside a guestroom, costs for cleaning bedding materials, curtains, wall covering, and others shall be charged to the offending Guest at cost.
  • 5.Be cautious of the other ways a fire could be started.
  • 6.Using heating apparatus, cooking appliances that generates heat in your room is prohibited.
  • 7.Please do not place any items in the corridors, stairwells or in any of the shared spaces. n the event of an incident such as a fire or earthquake, these items may end up blocking an escape route.
  • 8.In the event of a fire, please contact the front desk
  • 9.Please do not use your room for any primary purpose other than residential use without the prior approval of the Hotel.
  • 10.Please use all Hotel equipment or fixtures only at their provided spots and for the purpose designated for them. Please do not change the arrangement of the room to any great extent without prior approval of the Hotel.
  • 11.Please do not place any article that will blemish the approval of the Hotel by the window.
  • 12.Kindly refrain from inviting visitors to your guestroom after 10:00 p.m.
  • 13.Only registered Guests are allowed to stay in guestrooms.
  • 14.Stay of Underage persons only shall not be accepted unless permitted by a person with parental authority.
  • 15.For Guest’s safety, in spite of the presence of “Do not disturb” card, hotel employees may make a phone call or knock on the door of a guest room if the hotel can not contact the guest for a long time. Please note that hotel employees may enter the room in case of emergency or when it is judged to be necessary.
  • 16.Kindly understand that Hotel may ask the Guest with Tattoos to cover said body Tattoos prior to permitting entrance of the Thermal Spring and the Fitness Gym.

2.Guest Room Key Card

  • 1.When leaving your room, please be sure to lock the door and bring your key card with you. (All the Hotel doors are automatically Locked.)
  • 2.For the use of the Restaurant, Bar and other facilities with signing for bills, the Hotel will charge the bill to the guestroom based on the Guest name and room number on the reservation system.


  • 1.Please pay your bill at the Front Desk upon departure. There may be other occasions when bills are presented to you for payment during your stay which the Hotel ask you to settle the bills at that time.
  • 2.Please kindly understand that advance deposits may be requested in certain instances upon arrival.
  • 3.The Hotel will not make payment on behalf of Guests for substantial purchases of retail merchandise.
  • 4.A service charge is levied for each outgoing call made from our guestrooms.
  • 5.In addition to the consumption tax, a 15% service charge will be added to your bill.
  • 6.Hotel does not accept currency exchange for any personal checks.

4.Valuables and Unclaimed Articles

  • 1.Please avail yourself of the complimentary Safe deposit boxes at the Reception for storing your cash, securities, jewelry or other valuables. The Hotel shall not be held responsible for cash or valuables lost or stolen., if these were kept in elsewhere. The Hotel shall not accept work of art or valuable antiques to store.
  • 2.Article left behind without prior instructions from Guest will be kept for a certain period of time, and then be handled based on the Laws and Regulation.
  • 3.Articles held at the Hotel will be kept for a month. Articles exceeding the period will be disposed of accordingly.

5.Please do not bring onto the premises of the Hotel any of the following:

  • 1.Animals, birds and pets of any kind; (except assistance dogs)
  • 2.Gun power, flammable oil or other explosives or flammables;
  • 3.Item emitting a foul odor;
  • 4.Firearms or swords or drugs or other articles, possession of which is prohibited by the laws of Japan;
  • 5.Gambling or behaving in an indecorous manner or committing acts likely to cause annoyance to other Guests;
  • 6.Wearing the Hotel bathrobe and slippers outside of the guestrooms; (except on the way to the Hotel Spa and Thermal Spring)
  • 7.Wearing the Hotel Pajamas outside of the guestrooms;
  • 8.Distributing advertising or publicity materials or selling commodities within the Hotel, without the prior approval of the Hotel.
  • 9.Taking photographs, films or video tapes for business purpose without the prior approval of the Hotel;
  • 10.Entering facilities such as Emergency stairway, rooftop, or the Fire Control Center in Non-Emergencies.

6.The Hotel shall not provide services at the Hotel to any person would contravene the laws or act against the public order as stipulated in Article 5 Paragraph 1 subparagraph 3, or any person in an Organized Crime Group as stipulated in Article 5 Paragraph 1 subparagraph 4. (In the event of afore said fact being discovered after acceptance of a reservation or after commencement of accommodation, the Hotel shall decline to provide further service as form the time of such discovery.)

7.A Guest shall be charged for any damages to the Hotel’s property, furniture, and other equipment caused by the Guest.

8.Please refrain from causing annoyance to other guests in neighboring rooms as well as the neighborhood by using a loud voice, singing, having the TV or speaker volume on too high.

9.Please throw garbage in the guestrooms’ trash bin or hand them to the Hotel staffs.

10.The Hotel shall ask the Guest to follow the dress code in some facilities.

